SEND Supported welcomes all our partners at the start of this new school year.
Comments Off on SEND Supported welcomes all our partners at the start of this new school year.It has been a very hectic summer for our growing band of consultants. Having gone from strength to strength last term, and at the request of our partner schools we are now operating under our broader banner of SEND Supported, offering specialist pupil support across Autism, Dyslexia, Developmental Language Disorder, Cognition & Learning, Social Emotional Mental Health and Access Arrangements.
We started the term with a team day out on a coach trip to Bath. Sadly Jules was not able to join us on the day but this did give us an excuse to buy, “Five Go on a Strategy Away Day” which we found in a shop at the start of our Treasure Trail. Roll on our next day out, next coach trip and next town Treasure Trail!
Meanwhile, back at base………….
This term we are extending the range of parent support groups we attend, where families can access free advice and guidance and book a free one hour consultation at home. For more information on this families can go to the Contact Us page and send an enquiry.
We have also started to plan our community projects promoting diversity and inclusion – keep an eye on the What’s On pages to find out more about these as well as opportunities on offer from our Associates. Our Associates have supported us along the way while establishing our new company and for many of us relationships extend back over many years of happy collaborative working.
One of our new departures is into the world of work, supporting young adults into employment – we are currently in talks with the Department for Work and Pensions Access to Work Team to support a fresh start for one young adult. Having made a positive start in this first week, we hope to further develop our relationship with the workplace in conjunction with the National Autistic Society’s Autism Hour project next month.